- When: Monday 26 September 2022 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: Booking required
- Suitability: 18+
- Venue Name: Seminar room, the ARC
This event, led by a cross-disciplinary team from the humanities, life sciences and creative writing, brings the worlds of science and arts together to explore new ways of thinking. The event will consider how discipline specific language can create barriers and celebrate the ways in which interdisciplinary work encourages flexible, creative approaches to the presentation, application and exploration of research projects. An interactive workshop will encourage participants to experiment with different narrative and linguistic techniques to experience and express scientific topics in new ways.
Please note: You can attend both the talk (19:00-20:00) and the workshop (20:15-21:00) or sign-up for either. There is limited capacity for the workshop due to the nature of the event.
Recommended age: 18 and over.
Booking: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/401927825947
Contact Details
For any queries, contact publicengagement@gla.ac.uk