- When: Tuesday 1 December 2020 7:00 am
Event Starts at 7am GMT
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: No booking required (drop-in)
- Suitability: Adult Only
- Venue Name: Zoom
Meet the Filmmakers & Participants Webinar at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5078461112?pwd=QUZ3WS90WUN0TE80R0UyOTRaRTA3UT09
The Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium (PaCiFiC) is a network of Pacific filmmakers and organisations working with communities. The consortium represents an emerging body of Pacific-made participatory films and filmmakers who have come together to develop and share practice as filmmakers and to support the communities with whom they collaborate.
Film4Gender is a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project supporting community-based filmmakers across the Pacific to produce films that support gender equality and highlight local community-led responses to gender-based violence. Produced during the global Covid-19 pandemic, the films also document the impact of local restrictions on people’s lives, and especially for women. The collection of 7 short films screening in 2020 spans 6 Pacific countries – Papua New Guinea, Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Fiji and Samoa.
The prevalence of violence against women in the Pacific region is among the highest in the world, whilst women’s parliamentary participation is amongst the lowest. Pacific Film4Gender is building a network of Pacific community-based filmmakers whose work opens up alternative routes to understand and influence gender inequality in the Pacific by enabling communities to tell their own stories in their own cultural terms. The project aims to enhance filmmaker visibility through screenings, online events and the website which showcases their work and highlights the potential of community media to effect social change.
There will be an online screening followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers and participants.
Email: info@pacificfilm.net
Instagram: PacificFilm4Gender
Twitter: @film4gender
Facebook: @pacificcommunityfilmmakingconsortium
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