- When: Thursday 23 September 2021 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: Booking required
- Booking URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/futures-of-scotland-post-covid-recovery-explorathon-workshop-tickets-166808644145
- Suitability: 18+
- Venue Details:
Online through Microsoft Teams
As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have increased understandings that we all have various controls over the kinds of future Scotland we desire, individually and collectively.
This event will lead attendees through a quick-paced, futures-thinking scenario planning workshop to identify current trends, signals, and drivers across Scotland and globally (e.g. innovative technology, education, equality, policy, transportation, and public spaces), but key is facilitating exploratory thinking towards as-yet-realised horizons. Scenario planning is a group-based strategic planning method that uses creative and exploratory thinking to envision different plausible futures. It is a highly popular method used largely within political and private industries. The “Futures of Scotland” project was developed to break down the barriers between Scotland’s decision-makers and stakeholders (you!) by facilitating scenario planning workshops between a wide variety of residents, businesses, and political leaders. This project places special importance on the inclusion of voices from historically under-represented groups. To achieve the kinds of plausible, desirable, equitable, and most importantly, inclusive Scotland desired, everyone must be heard.
This is your opportunity to Be Part of the Conversation.
The workshop will aim to answer the questions “Where do we want to go from here?” and “Who do we want to be?”
The event is part of a larger project currently being undertaken at the Futures & Analytics Research (FAR) Hub. The resulting scenarios will be developed into public art installations across Glasgow and online. The installations will be launched in time with the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26.
The event is presented by:
Dr Megan Crawford – Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School. Megan works in scenario planning consultancy and behavioural science research and leads the FAR hub.
Dr Matthew Smith – Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School. Matthew specialises in the use of quantitative social network analysis to explain economic phenomena and co-leads the FAR hub.
https://twitter.com/FAR_hub or @FAR_hub