- When: Tuesday 24 November 2020 12:00 pm
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: No booking required (drop-in)
- Venue Name: Online - Podcast
The use of performance related pay in a variety of sectors is well documented, with economists highlighting the benefits of such a model on a person’s productivity. However, 18th Century Economist, Adam Smith observed in his book, The Wealth of Nations: “Men….when liberally paid by the piece, are very apt to overwork themselves, and to ruin their health and constitution in a few years”.
Join Professor Keith Bender and Dr Nicole Andelic as they discuss their ESRC-funded project which seeks to find out the impacts of performance related pay on stress as measured through cortisol, what it could mean for their long-term health, and the potential implications for businesses in the future.
Listeners who wish to find out more ab0ut the research can contact Professor Keith Bender via email at kabender@abdn.ac.uk or Dr Nicole Andelic at nicole.andelic@abdn.ac.uk
Professor Keith Bender – SIRE Chair in Economics
Dr Nicole Andelic – Research Fellow
Contact Details
Contact Email: cpdservices@abdn.ac.uk