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- When: Friday 30 October 2020 - Monday 30 November 2020
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: Booking required
- Booking URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/beauty-in-hell-culture-in-the-gulag-exhibition-relaunch-tickets-126448413609
- This event will be held online: https://www.gla.ac.uk/hunterian/visit/exhibitions/virtualexhibitions/beautyinhellcultureinthegulag/
This virtual exhibition uncovers the history of The Sovoloki Camp, the ‘first Gulag’ labour camp of the USSR, instated for the ‘re-education’ of undesirable citizens. Explore the unique circumstances that led to this camp and how the cultural activity of the intelligentsia held there formed a resistance to the systematic violence and oppression.
Beauty in Hell: Culture in the Gulag highlights current research by Dr Andrea Gullotta, Lecturer in Russian Studies at the University of Glasgow.
Click here to book tickets for the Exhibition Launch on Friday 30 October, 4-5pm.