- When: Saturday 25 September 2021 11:00 am - Saturday 25 September 2021 3:00 pm
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: No booking required (drop-in)
- Suitability: All ages
- Venue Name: The Brae in Bannockburn
Come to the bottom of the Brae in Bannockburn between 11am and 3pm. You will be met by some enthusiastic and friendly scientists and conservationists! 56.092175, -3.917983
On Saturday the 25th of September 11am to 3pm in Bannockburn, Scotland meet at the bottom of the Brae in Bannockburn. You will be met by some enthusiastic and friendly scientists and conservationists!
We will have a Pond Doctor Stall with FrogLife @froglifers. There will be scientists, conservationists and wildlife photographers there to engage with and speak about our local wildlife!
But wait a minute… What is a BioBlitz!?
A BioBlitz is an exciting community event which focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a particular area and within a specific timeframe.
At a BioBlitz everyone works together to reach this goal! Scientists, families, students, teachers, conservationists, outdoor-curious people, even people who have never named a plant or animal species before… all get together to take a snapshot of the biodiversity in a specific area.
This area could be as small your back garden or as big as a country! For the Bannockburn BioBlitz we are focusing our effort on the beautiful Bannockburn Heritage Trail… down by the burn and in the surrounding woodland.
We’ll be wandering around the trees and peering into plants and soil and grass and … for the brave ones, we’ll be getting in the water and finding beasties in the water too!
For this special one-day event, our community will come together as citizen scientists to collect important information that will help conserve our local area for now and for the future! And have a great day out! On a day that all over the world people will be taking part in their own @homeriverbioblitz !
Join our group on Facebook at ‘Bannockburn BioBlitz’ and over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing more about how we will turn our observations into data using a helpful app called iNaturalist! @inaturalistorg All you need to bring is yourself and have access to a smart phone!
I’ll be sharing a series of short videos breaking down plant and animal identification and also how to use the app. But you don’t have to come as an expert, join our Facebook group and your photos of our biodiversity in and around the burn can be uploaded there too!
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions! If you’d like to come along or just support this project find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @wildbannockburn
This project is part supported by @insidenatgeo @natgeo and @inaturalistorg
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