- When: Monday 26 September 2022 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Admission: Admission Free
- Booking: No booking required (drop-in)
- Suitability: All ages
- Venue Name: The ARC
Drop in for some lunch and food for thought! A free day of informal talks, exhibitions, craft and more. What does a thriving Glasgow mean to you? Show off your art skills by helping us build a city portrait and discuss how Glasgow can respect the wellbeing of people and the planet, as part of Scotland’s Climate Week 2022. How can nutrition help us age well? Community Kitchen and Ginger Roots join us to discuss food sharing, eating local and the Food Train befriending service, together with social enrterprise partner Eat Well Age Well. Chat to researchers about current work on health inequalities, cancer and demystifying death. Visit the Dementia Archaeology exhibition and hear a talk about the creative works of Fiona Gorman, a heritage enthusiast living with Alzheimer’s.
UofG Sport will be celebrating the launch of their BeActive programme with a series of activities for body and mind. Activities include:
Mindfulness | 13:00 – 13:30
A guided thirty-minute session to enable you to be fully present, aware of where you are and what you’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. Open to all to relax and take a break.
Mindfulness and Rehabilitation | 13:30 – 14:00
Whilst on holiday with his family at the age of 47, David suffered a massive brain aneurysm, leaving him paralysed on his left side. David share’s his story of rehabilitation and the significance of mindfulness in his journey. The session includes a 15-minute guided practice.
ActiveFlo | 14:00 – 14:30
A steady paced, low-impact mobility workout to get you moving dynamically and using personal body strength to move through the basic principles of yoga in a controlled space.
Active Aging: The Power of Food | 13:00 – 13:30
A talk by Sport and Exercise Nutritionist Simone do Carmo outlining the principles of healthy nutrition as we age and the importance of a balanced diet. Simone will highlight the benefits of protein, energy requirements and key micronutrients. There will be the opportunity to ask your own questions and get personal advice.
If you would like to join the free lunch, please book a ticket on Eventbrite.
Otherwise, this event is free to drop-in.
Recommended age: all ages.
Booking: Book your lunch ticket at this link. If you are not having lunch, please just drop in.
Contact Details
For any queries, contact publicengagement@gla.ac.uk