IN OUR SHOES: POETRY SHOWCASE This exhibition and poetry showcase offers a unique opportunity for you to hear experiences of everyday life for migrant, local and refugee women. Sunday 25 September 2022 3:00 pm WAYS OF SEEING: A HANDS-ON WORKSHOP ABOUT PERCEPTION Join Giovanna Vitelli, Head of Collections and Curatorial at The Hunterian, and Mona Simion, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, for a practical exploration of the different ways we perceive and experience the world through the objects around us. Sunday 25 September 2022 11:30 am THE CANNY BAND We are delighted to welcome the The Canny Band to ARCadia, who will perform two sets for our festival. The Canny Band, a rare fusion of piano, diatonic button accordion and bodhran, has stormed the Glasgow trad scene and gained them numerous high profile BBC TV Radio appearances and the Up and Coming Award at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Award awards in Dec 2021. Saturday 24 September 2022 2:30 pm ONE BUTTON BENNY STORYTELLING EVENT WITH AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR ALAN WINDRAM Join award wining author and performer Alan Windram for a highly interactive picture book event about Benny the robot’s adventures. Saturday 24 September 2022 2:00 pm LEAVING FINGERPRINTS Fingerprints are something that we all have in common. We hope you can join us for this interactive craft and storytelling workshop for the whole family. Saturday 24 September 2022 1:00 pm MAKE YOUR OWN SILVER RING: WORKSHOP Join artist Leila from Partick Community Growing project for this hands-on workshop to make your own silver ring. Saturday 24 September 2022 12:00 pm ARCadia – The Big Weekend: Saturday There’s something for everyone at the ARCadia Big Weekend. Saturday 24 September 2022 12:00 pm GANG THEGITHER Hear the voices of some of the oldest yet unseen minority groups from across the UK and beyond: Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Nawken, Kalé, Showman… Stories, art, poetry, science and more. Saturday 24 September 2022 12:00 pm Posts pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next