Writing & Nature: Alice Tarbuck & Jessica J. Lee (WayWORD Festival) Authors Jessica J. Lee and Alice Tarbuck discuss the purpose of nature writing in our changing climate Saturday 25 September 2021 2:30 pm Climate Change with STEM Poets (WayWORD Festival) Members of the STEM Poets group and the Scottish Writers Centre make climate realities clear and present Friday 24 September 2021 11:30 am Writing Life & Death: Nomi Eve & Emily Utter (WayWORD Festival) Join us for a conversation with writers working in healthcare settings Thursday 23 September 2021 1:00 pm Verbal Remedies Launch (WayWORD Festival) Students from the University of Aberdeen’s Creative Writing for Medics course launch Verbal Remedies IV, a chapbook of their latest writing, with readings and discussion. Monday 20 September 2021 5:30 pm What went wrong when the AI got it wrong? Consider what, or who, is responsible when the AI gets it wrong at this interactive online event. Wednesday 15 September 2021 12:30 pm Pecha Kucha – Science in our Lives Find out about the latest scientific discoveries coming from Scottish Universities. Wednesday 22 September 2021 6:00 pm Pecha Kucha – Engineering & Technology in our Lives Find out about the latest engineering and technology research coming from Scottish Universities. Wednesday 15 September 2021 6:00 pm Rescheduled Pecha Kucha – Arts, Culture & Humanities in our Lives Hear about how arts, culture and humanities research is impacting on our lives. Thursday 16 September 2021 6:00 pm Posts pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next