Scot Land: dreaming of the future of landscapes, space, and culture Online panel discussion examining ownership of Scotland’s landscape, both imaginary and practical Monday 20 September 2021 5:00 pm Why we should love hackers and how we stop damaging privacy and security This virtual roundtable will bring together people with different perspectives on hackers. Wednesday 22 September 2021 2:00 pm The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas: Toilets, Torture & Mean Girls Three top academics, three dangerous ideas and your host comedian Susan Morrison. Thursday 23 September 2021 7:30 pm Meet the Scientist – Marine mammals in the Firth of Forth An online meet the Scientist event covering the Firth of Forth, the abundant sealife and how you can help contribute towards research aiming to conserve them. Thursday 23 September 2021 7:00 pm Evolving Ourselves with Unnatural Selection Interact with our online world where your choices could potentially change our future biological habitats Friday 24 September 2021 4:00 pm Meet Marine Scientists: Humans and the Deep-Sea Come and meet deep-sea scientists, learn about deep seafloor ecosystems and why they are important Saturday 25 September 2021 10:00 am What went wrong when the AI got it wrong? Consider what, or who, is responsible when the AI gets it wrong at this interactive online event. Wednesday 15 September 2021 12:30 pm Rescheduled Pecha Kucha – Arts, Culture & Humanities in our Lives Hear about how arts, culture and humanities research is impacting on our lives. Thursday 16 September 2021 6:00 pm Posts pagination Previous 1 2 3 … 5 Next